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http://www.100md.com 2012年5月1日 沈军国,常秀芬,边森,郭海艳,代金荣




    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)05-0728-02

    The combined application of inner and out canthoplasty in small palpebral fissure patients

    SHEN Jun-guo,CHANG Xiu-fen,BIAN Sen,GUO Hai-yan,DAI Jin-rong

    (Department of Plastic Surgery,Tangshan Jinrong Plastic and Aesthetic Hospital,Tangshan 063000,Hebei,China)

    Abstract: Objective To treat small palpebral fissure by inner and out canthoplasty with the transverse-one's procedure and the incision along the direction of up-eyelid at the outer canthal,observe the shape change of inner and outer canthal. Methods Applying the transverse-one's procedure to inner canthal,separated subcutaneous tissue and exposed the angular ligament,sutured the angular ligament and the lateral nasal fascia for fixing.After suturing the two ends of the incision,cut off the extra skin,made an incision along the direction of the up-eyelid to the outer canthal and sutured the conjunctival to the periosteal of the outer end of the incision. Results All 24 cases of redundant skin of internal canthus disappeared or improved greatly and external canthus extended 2~3mm.18 cases in 24 were followed up 3months to 1 year. No obvious scar,shape stable,and the effect were satisfactory. Conclusion The transverse-one's procedure and the incision along the direction of up-eyelid at the outer canthal can extend the length of the palpebral fissure significantly.No obvious scar at inner and outer canthal and it is an effective approach to treat small palpebral fissure.

    Key words:epicanthus;outer canthoplasty;small palpebral fissure


    1 临床资料


    2 手术方法

    2.1 术前设计:先标记新内眦位置A点,以显露或部分显露肉阜为准,连接新内眦与原内眦B点的连线即为手术的切口线。根据五眼的美学标准,标记外眦拟延长长度,一般以2~3mm为宜。设计外眦切口线时,要沿着上睑缘的弧度进行设计,切口线为C点至D点,长约3~4mm(见图1)。

    2.2 操作方法

    2.2.1 内眦赘皮矫正术:常规消毒、铺巾、1%利多卡因+1:200 000肾上腺素进行局部浸润麻醉,沿A-B设计线切开,皮下剥离,剥离范围不必过大,剪除异位的眼轮匝肌,酌情用7-0尼龙线缝合内眦韧带起始部至侧鼻筋膜后打结。7-0尼龙线先缝合切口两端A点至B点的皮肤,眼科剪刀剪除“猫耳朵”样皮肤,再用7-0尼龙线缝合或用医用胶沾合切口。

    2.2.2 外眦成形术:沿设计线切开C点至D点,皮下稍加剥离,用7-0尼龙线缝合C点至D点。缝合过程中,针先穿过C点后,针沿外眦骨面走行,穿过外眦骨膜后,在经D点后出针。修剪CD之间多余的皮肤,7-0尼龙线缝合修剪后的切口。

    3 结果


    4 讨论

    4.1 内眦赘皮矫正术是当前整形界开展较多的手术之一。内眦赘皮使两眼间距增宽,使面部呈愚脸型。临床将内眦赘皮分为眉型、正向睑型、反向睑型、睑板型[1]。关于内眦赘皮的矫正,临床上各种不同术式的探讨报道较多。关于内眦赘皮的形成机制国内外认为是由于上下睑眼轮匝肌在内眦韧带起始处错位、错构所致[2],所以术中去除部分异位的眼轮匝肌得到了大家的公认。

    4.2 外眦成形术以往多应用于小睑裂综合征的治疗[3]。本组患者均非小睑裂综合征患者,手术是在内眦赘皮矫正后仍达不到“五眼”美学标准的患者进行的。

    4.3 睑裂短小是指睑裂长度小于正常,单独对患者行内眦赘皮矫正和外眦成形术使睑裂的延长长度有限 ......
