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http://www.100md.com 2020年9月1日 《世界中医药》 202017
     摘要 目的:运用数据挖掘技术探究穴位埋线治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的选穴规律。方法:在全面检索穴位埋线治疗PCOS文献的基础上,建立针灸处方数据库,采用SPSS及SPSS Modeler对其进行描述性分析、聚类分析和关联规则分析,探究穴位埋线治疗PCOS的经穴运用特点和规律。结果:共纳入文献59篇,选用腧穴56个,腧穴选用总频次为576次。结论:穴位埋线治疗PCOS具有规律性:多采用膀胱经、胃经、任脉腧穴,所选腧穴以特定穴为主体,注重俞募配穴;关元、天枢为穴位埋线治疗PCOS的主要穴位。

    关键词 多囊卵巢综合征;针灸;选穴规律;数据挖掘

    Abstract Objective:To explore the rules of acupoints selection of acupoint catgut embedding for polycystic ovarian syndrome based on data mining. Methods:Based on a comprehensive retrieval of the literature on acupoint catgut embedding treatment for PCOS, a database of acupuncture prescriptions was established, SPSS and SPSS Modeler were used to perform descriptive analysis, cluster analysis and association rule analysis, to explore the characteristics and rules of acupoint selection of acupoint catgut embedding for PCOS. Results:A total of 59 literature were included, 56 acupoints were selected, and the total frequency of acupoints selection was 576 times. Conclusion:Acupoint selection of acupoint catgut embedding for PCOS has certain rules:the acupoints on the bladder meridian, stomach meridian, and conception vessel are mostly used, and the selected acupoints are mainly specific acupoints, back-shu and front-mu point combination were emphasized; guānyuán(CV4) and tiānshū(S25) are the main acupoints for the treatment of PCOS.

    Keywords Polycystic ovarian syndrome; Acupuncture; Acupoint selection rules; Data mining


    多囊卵巢综合征(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,PCOS)是以不排卵和高雄激素血症为特征的妇科常见病,临床表现为不规律经期、痤疮、不孕、多毛、肥胖等,是导致育龄女性无排卵性不孕常见原因[1]。PCOS的发病机制尚未有定论,西医治疗此病多采用激素疗法[2],其不良反应较大。针灸作为一种天然、安全的非药物疗法,具有不良反应少、临床疗效显著等优势。目前,大量研究[3-4]显示针灸治疗PCOS效果显著,而穴位埋线作为针灸疗法之一,相较于手针、电针等针灸疗法,具有长效、低创痛的优势。为进一步把握穴位埋线治疗PCOS的选穴规律,总结穴位埋线治疗PCOS用穴规律,我们采用数据挖掘技术对穴位埋线治疗PCOS的针灸处方进行统计,为临床治疗PCOS提供參考。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 文献来源 计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、万方数据知识平台(WANFANG DATA)、PubMed、Central、Embase从建库以来至2019年7月11日之间的相关文献。

    1.2 检索策略 采用主题词与自由词相结合的检索方式,以Pubmed为例检索式如下:

    #1 "acupuncture"[MeSH Terms]or "acupuncture therapy"[MeSH Terms];#2 acupunct*[tw]or catgut embed*[tw]or catgut-embed*[tw];#3 #1 or #2 ;#4 "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome"[MeSH Terms];#5 “polycystic ovar”[tw]or PCOS[tw]or PCOD[tw]or “stein-leventhal syndrome”[tw]or hirsut*[tw];#6 #4 or #5;#7 #3 AND #6。

    1.3 纳入标准 1)干预对象为明确诊断的PCOS患者;2)干预手段以穴位埋线为主且有明确的穴位处方;3)对疗效进行评估的临床研究或临床疗效观察文献;4)诊断及疗效评价标准均为国际或国内公认。, 百拇医药(黄梅 刘敏 高淑清 唐勇 张浩琳)
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