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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月25日 华振敏 钱桦


     [摘要] 目的:探讨直肠癌术后局部复发的因素以及再手术方法。方法:本文对22例直肠癌术后局部复发再入院治疗及随机抽样同期无复发的18例患者的22项临床指标进行对比分析。结果:直肠癌Miles术后局部复发6例(27.3%),直肠癌前切除后局部复发16例(72.7%)。直肠癌前切除后局部复发率高,两组患者比较不受年龄和性别干扰。术后正规化疗或放疗两组差异有非常显著意义。结论:直肠癌术后局部复发的因素很多,手术的方式和清扫程度、淋巴转移、术后正规化疗和放疗是影响其术后局部复发的因素,对能耐受手术、又无广泛远处转移者,给予再次手术,能获较好疗效。

    [关键词] 直肠癌;局部复发;再手术;病理分析

    [中图分类号] R735.3+7 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2011)04(c)-005-02

    Factors of local recurrence of rectal cancer and reoperation

    HUA Zhenmin1, QIAN Hua2

    Kongjiang Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200093, China, 2.Xinhua Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200092, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To explore the factors of local recurrence after rectal cancer and further surgical. Methods: In this paper, 22 cases of postoperative local recurrence of rectal cancer treated in hospital and no recurrence of the same random sample of 18 cases of clinical indicators of the 22 cases were analyzed. Results: Local recurrence after rectal cancer Miles 6 patients (27.3%) and Local recurrence after anterior resection of rectal cancer in 16 cases (72.7%). After anterior resection of rectal cancer local recurrence rate, both groups were relatively unaffected by age and gender interference. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy after the formal difference between the two groups was significant. Conclusion: Local recurrence of rectal cancer are many factors. Ways and extent of surgical dissection, lymph node metastases, postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy is the formal affecting factors of local recurrence. To be able to tolerate surgery, distant metastasis, nor extensive, given re-operation, better effect.

    [Key words] Rectal Cancer; Local recurrence; Reoperation; Pathological analysis


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    复发组中,男13例,女9例;年龄31~80岁,平均58岁,复发间期2~50个月,平均11个月;3例术后接受正规化疗,肿块距肛缘4~15 cm,平均9.7 cm。对照组,男14例,女4例;年龄42~77岁,平均61岁。

    1.2 方法

    术后接受正规化疗,14例无癌生存>5年,4例>4年,肿块距肛缘4~15 cm,平均7.2 cm,复发组与对照组各22项指标量化编码输入计算机,建立直肠癌复发因素数据库。

    1.3 统计学方法


    2 结果

    2.1 一般结果

    首次术式:Dixon16例,其中远切缘距肿瘤<3 cm 8例,直肠系膜切除不全7例,Mile's术式6例,其中有淋巴转移5例,4例未做规范的髂血管周围及肠系膜下A根部的淋巴结清扫 ......
