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http://www.100md.com 2012年4月5日 敖明珠


     [摘要] 目的 探讨产钳助产新生儿脐动脉血气值的特点。 方法 选取2011 年3~12月在本院第二产程经低位产钳助产产妇245例,按其产钳助产指征分为3组:A组80例,因第二产程停滞行产钳助产术;B组92例,因胎儿宫内窘迫行产钳助产术;C组73例,因妊娠并发症或合并症而行产钳助产术。同时选取同期在本院自然分娩的孕妇100例作为对照组,各组新生儿出生时均常规行脐动脉血气分析。 结果A组、B组pH值、BE值分别与对照组及C组比较差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05);各组新生儿窒息率比较,A组与B组比较,C组与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),余各组间比较差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 产钳助产不会导致新生儿窒息,对新生儿脐动脉血气值无影响,对于指征明确的患者临床应大胆应用。第二产程时间及产程中乏氧是影响新生儿脐动脉血气值并导致新生儿窒息的重要因素。

    [关键词] 产钳;脐动脉;血气分析;新生儿窒息

    [中图分类号] R717 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)04(a)-0061-03

    Umbilical cord artery blood gas analysis of 245 fetus delivered by obstetric forceps

    AO Mingzhu

    Dalian Gynecologic and Obstetric Hospital in Liaoning Province, Dalian 116000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To evaluate the characteristic of neonatal umbilical arterial blood gas values delibvered by low forceps. Methods Retrospectively study of 245 pregnancy women delivered by low forceps at Dalian Gynecologic and Obstetric Hospital between March 2011 and December 2011 was performed. In group A, 80 cases delivered by forceps for stagnation of the secondary labor. In group B, 92 cases delivered by forceps because of fetal distress.In group C,73 cases delivered by forceps because of pregnancy complications. And 100 cases of natural delivery at the same time as control group. The umbilical arterial blood gas was analysed after delivery. Results The pH value and BE of group A and B were significantly different from those of group C and control group(P < 0.05). And there were significant difference between group A and control group, group B and control group, group A and B, group B and C(P < 0.05). Conclusion Forceps delivery does not cause asphyxia, and has no effect on neonatal umbilical arterial blood gas values.

    [Key words] Forcep; Umbilical arterial; Blood gas analysis; Neonatal distress


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    回顾分析2011年3~12月在本院第二产程行阴道低位产钳助产的245例患者,根据产钳助产指征分为3组:A组,80例,因第二产程停滞行产钳助产术;B组,92例,因胎儿窘迫行产钳助产术;C组,73例,因妊娠并发症或合并症需尽快终止妊娠而行产钳助产术,但产程中未发生酸中毒等代谢紊乱。每组患者均因单一指征施术,存在两个或两个以上上述指征的患者不列入分析范围 ......
